Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chubby guy's sister

Since Chubby guy is away working out, his sister Cait comes for a visit and gets attacked by Ethan, Roman, Noah and Meg.

Scene 2, the police investigation

Police officer Cait Capezzuto questions Ethan and chubby guy about the street attack.

Chubby guy saves the street walkers

As Ethan and Caite stroll down the street, they are attacked by 2 villians (Noah and Meg). Thankfully, Chubby guy comes out of nowhere to save the day!

Dudes look like the ladies

Watch as Ethan, Nick and Ben - dressed as ladies - attack a chubby guy (Roman) on the street.

The Indiana Jones run in the snow

Here's Ethan, Nick, Ben, Evan and Noah in a mad dash through the snow - as Nick fights to remain on his feet till the end.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Paul Blart/Mall Cop - Nacho eating contest

Here's Roman and Kyle engaged in a "Paul Blart/Mall Cop" style nacho eating contest. It was close all the way to the end.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Get a job!

Roman and Ethan duke it out over jobs and wives.

Boys gone wild!

A typical day at the Guglielmo house - running, jumping, kicking, hitting...

The Actors

Meet the actors in Guglielmo's Greatest Hits - Ethan, Noah and Roman